
19 years old meet chauhan is ethical hacker and author

Meet chauhan is a 19 years old. He Was Born On 21 December 1997 In Rajkot  City Of Gujarat. After Being In Rajkot For Some Time , He Was  Established In Amreli City. Meet chauhan Is Engaged To The Computer Only After His Childhood. He Was a learn Computer In 8 years old. In The Age Of 13 He Made His  Own Computer. In 16 Years of age, he had a  family responsibility they are satudying in standerd 12. due to the  responsibilities of the house hold have to study in compulsion they  started working as waitters in many places due to abandonment of studies they got excused in the exam when he got excited in the exam, his  friends jokingly scoffed at him meet chauhan started crying . they got  so angry they thought that i have knowlwdge that i want to share with  the whole world by thinking of this he wrote a book called ubuntu using  hacking at age 19. meet chauhan said that i have no degree but people  will now read and study my book which people they eidiculed them today  those people mee